Try: Play bingo play simple card games such as old maid and go fish the cr may really enjoy these games even though they seem mundane and boring to you the important thing is for the cr to have fun and for you to have an opportunity to interact with him or her try reading to the cr aloud from a favotite book magazine or newspaper if the cr wants to discuss something as you read stop to do so it may be the start of a very good conversation get out photo albums of the cr at a younger ager and go through them with him or her often the cr cr’s memory of those early years is better than the later ones the cr may enjoy reminiscing and talking with you about the photes cook a simple dish together with the cr have all of the ingredients already measured out ahead of time and do it one step at a time stop if cr gets too tired or overwhelmed and continue the next day when you and the cr are done cooking you can eat the meal together with others the cr may feel proud of helping prepare it suggest that you and the cr do household chores together this may help the cr feel wanted and useful some suggestions include raking leaves washing dishes putting dishes in the dishwasher or taking them out doing laundry folding clean laundry weeding the garden watering the plants sweeping vacuuming dusting cleaning the sinks and bathrooms
Materials: Simple games like bingo playing cards large print cards might be helpful simple card games like old maid and go fish books magazines and newspapers photo albums of the cr at a younger age with family and friends
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social, Fully Aware
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from www care com caring for seniors with alzheimer alzheimer’s disease by staff writer no date
Keywords: Activities memories home interactions feeling useless pride proud
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed