Try: Cover the cr with a bath blanket during the bathing process even in the shower uncovering only the body part that is being washed and immediately covering it when finished offer the cr the option of wearing a bathing suit or underwear during bathing if this would lead to more comfort be sure to […]
Care recipient (cr) becomes anxious and agitated because he can’t find his or her bedroom frequently the cr asks where is my room
Try: #show the cr the object that you will place by the door of the cr cr’s room have the cr touch and feel the object as you talk about it #attach the object on the door to the room at the cr cr’s eye level #have all helpers family and friends refer to the […]
Care recipient (cr) touches other inappropriately
Try: #when the cr touches someone inappropriately remind the cr firmly but kindly that some people do not like to be touched and that it is wrong to touch someone else without permission #give the cr an object to occupy his or her hands such as a hand-held puzzle toy ask the cr to figure […]
Care recipient (cr) tries to open doors leading to stairs and or exterior doors
Try: #using the marker write the word ‘closed ‘ in large letters on a sheet of paper you can also write the words ‘dead end ‘ instead #tape the signs to any exterior doors and or doors leading to stairs the cr may decide not open the doors due to past life experiences associated with […]
Care recipient (cr) has difficulty fastening buttons and tying shoes
Try: Pirchase a button hook at a medical supply store or order one from a medical catalog this is a device with a handle and loop on the end the loop is placed through the buttonhole and around the button by pulling the loop back through the buttonhole the button is fastened tying shoes can […]
Care recipient (cr) frequently spits or cries out cr may spit out food or be distracted from daily routine by crying out repetitive phrase or word
Try: First make sure the cr cr’s physical needs are met assess for pain and issues related to positioning overly-stimulating environment toileting etc if all the physical needs are met try something distracting that has oral appeal sing a song with the cr offer candy favorite snack bubble gum etc Materials: Caregivers with patience favorite […]
Care recipient (cr) wanders at night
Try: #fill the aquarium with water and let it sit for 24 hours install the aquarium pump according to the directions and plug into an electrical outlet place the fish still in its bag on top of the aquarium water for 1 hour #open the bag and let the fish swim into the aquarium water […]
Care recipient (cr) becomes anxious when eating out at a restaurant with other dinner guests even old friends
Try: #to alleviate the cr cr’s anxiety drive past the restaurant and point it out to the cr go inside and pick up a copy of the menu to bring home depending on the restaurant the staff may be able to give you a copy of the take-out menu or make a copy of an […]
Care recipient (cr) is losing the ability to use utensils and becomes belligerent when caregivers attempt to help the cr eat
Try: Offer finger foods at mealtime soups can be put into mugs and the cr can drink them also eating finger foods will not require utensils and therefore should require less help from the caregiver give gestures and visual cues insteaof physical help be sure to complement the cr on how well he or she […]
Try: Materials: Categories: Information: References: Keywords: *This information is listed as a and is not explicitly medically licensed