Care recipient (cr) is anxious and fearful that something terrible is going to happen

Try: Let the cr express his or her feelings do not force the cr to talk if he or she is not ready encourage the cr to identify any concrete causes for the feelings actively listen and try to understand what cr is saying and feeling provide support and encouragement make sure the cr knows that it is normal for him or her to experience these feelings from time to time avoid telling the cr how he or she should feel try to reason with the cr and change his or her thinking and attitude about what is feared for example what is the likelihood that what you fear will actually happen in some cases the cr may be worrying obsessively about something unnecessarily what if it does happen is it going to be the end of the world in some cases the actual outcome of something bad happening is not nearly as devastating as the cr imagines it the bad thing that is feared may have become larger than life in the mind of the cr the more the cr dwells on it the worse it becomes avoid assuming that it is your fault if the cr is feeling depressed avoid feeling that you must cheer the cr up in order to be helpful encourage the cr to participate in an exercise regimen encourage the cr to use relaxation techniques

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from www netofcare org symptom management at home by staff writer no date

Keywords: Trembles trembling shakes anxiety anxious nervous doom sad gloomy

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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