Try: n/a
Materials: #prepare foods that can be eaten with only one utensil so the cr doesn’t have to choose choose between using a fork or spoon #eat with the cr sit across from the cr while you eat so the cr can mirror your behavior this is often helpful to crs who are confused and unable to remember what to do at meals #put only one or two kinds of food on the cr’s plate at a time having to choose from among several kinds of foods may be difficult for a cr who is very confused #serve food on a divided plate or a plate with a raised rim to increase the cr’s ability to control food on the plate #keep your fork or spoon in your hand between bites once the cr puts a utensil down you may have to spend time encouraging him or her to pick it up again if the cr imitates you and keeps a utensil in hand he or she may be more likely to continue eating
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Long-Term Memory, Poor L T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed