Try: #keep a set of headphones a music player and charger games puzzles books and a deck of cards in a tote bag when noise gets bothersome help the cr find the quietest spot in the area take the tote bag with you #plug the headphones into the music player and play soothing music or nature sounds if the headphones alone will block out sound the cr may want to wear them and not listen to a recording #ask the cr to choose one of the activities in the tote bag and work on it this may be relaxing and provide a distraction from the noise
Materials: Over-the-ear noise canceling headphones portable music player soothing music or relaxing nature sounds batteries or charger for music player crossword and jigsaw puzzles books deck of cards tote bag
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed