Care recipient (cr) spends a lot of time talking about the past caregiver wants to help the cr spend more time connecting to the present

Try: #read from the newspaper or watch or listen to a newscast each day with the cr discuss some of the stories #look for upcoming shows concerts senior gatherings fairs or other events listed in the newspaper that will be affordable and physically comfortable for you and the cr to attend #include the cr in family or social group activities if the cr has trouble leaving home bring the family or group to the cr visitors games crafts volunteer projects small study groups etc #keep a large calendar at hand and use it to note scheduled activities encourage the cr mark of the days as they pass when the cr marks off a day sit with him or her and review the major events of the day the cr or the caregiver can jot a few words down on the calendar about the day that is ending as well and look ahead at upcoming events #review the calendar with the cr even if briefly at the beginning and end of the day if you are a live-in care provider and at the start and end of your shift if you are an hourly caregiver

Materials: Newspapers newscasts large calendar social group

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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