Care recipient (cr) is very easily confused and often gets upset and frustrated

Try: When the cr is confused frustrated or upset do not ignore respond as quickly as you can please check out the following before doing anything else glasses hearing aids any other devices that help the cr relate to the environment spend some quality time the cr let the cr know that he or she is important and is being heard give the cr a hug or pat on the back provide ongoing reassurance that you are there and you can help try distraction by using food music or some other activity that the cr would really enjoy help the cr work through the confusion find out what the specific issue is and talk about it for example if the cr is confused by an unfamiliar environment provide orientation by walking around and pointing out landmarks provide structure and routine do not give the cr too many choices keep it simple do not change the cr’s living quarters room apartment or house unless necessary make sure that the cr is going to the bathroom on a regular basis the cr may get upset if he or she needs to go and cannot communicate it manage the cr’s fatigue by making sure there is enough sleep and rest on a regular basis make sure that the cr is getting enough exercise exercise releases pent up energy increases appetite and can improve the cr’s mood and attitude for example go for a walk in the park or at a shopping mall

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Socialization

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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