Try: Focus on one goal at a time try to find someone who has accomplished the same thing to inspire the cr get excited about accomplishing the goal by learning and reading about it build anticipation by setting a date in the future , a week or two or even a month , and make that the start date mark it on the calendar get excited about that date make it the most important date in life then start writing out a plan print out the goal in big words make the goal just a few words long like a mantra exercise 15 mins daily and post it up on the wall or refrigerator post it at home and work put it on the computer desktop these big reminders keep the cr’s motivation and focus going try to find a picture of the goal and post that too commit to the goal publicly by telling friends and family and co-workers give them progress updates every week or so
Materials: Post it notes pen calendar books videos about a specific goal
Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: get off your butt 16 ways to get motivated when you’re in a slump leo babauta available at
Keywords: Laziness motivation lack of energy lazy exercise
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed