Try: Assure health and safety 24 hours per day consider in-home care or alternative residential settings instead of offering overall help – or asking if cr wants help – offer to assist with a specific part of a task at the time that cr is doing it without calling attention to help being given if cr is refusing caregivers frame caregivers who are coming to offer outside help as friendly visitors instead of paid help it may encounter less resistance – have a trusted person introduce them consider ways cr got accepted help previously use those avenues to deliver e g clergy congregation family friends maids etc monitor refrigerator and grocery supplies for outdated or inappropriate food discreetly discar
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Unaware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: planning guide for dementia care at home a reference tool for care managers by the alzheimer’s association, south central wisconsin chapter the wisconsin alzheimer’s institute and the wisconsin bureau of aging and long term care resources division of disability and elder services department of health and family services 2004 available at www dhs wisconsin gov
Keywords: Refuses help impaired judgement stubborn doesn’t want help memory loss
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed