Care recipient’s cr friends or family members feel uncomfortable around cr and have stopped socializing with him her

Try: Encourage cr to be proactive and reach out and try very hard not to dwell on what are really the shortcomings of others who will never understand cr’s new life if those cr reaches out to shy away encourage cr to look for new friends new groups new leisure activities within the realm of his her abilities encourage cr to avoid isolation for each of us there there’s a need to have outside contact with people outside the world of our situation unfortunately it may not come knocking at cr’s door cr has to seek it out and create it for him herself and his her sanity

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological, Personal, Social

Information: n/a

References: stroke caregiver’s handbook by joyce dreslin no date available at www strokesafe org

Keywords: Isolation abandonment friends feel uncomfortable friends stop coming over friends stop visiting social activities socialization emotional well being

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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