Care recipient (cr) has lost his or her appetite and is losing weight

Try: Avoid force feeding the cr try not to get angry if the cr does not want to eat try to prevent early feelings of fullness by serving the cr beverages between meals offer the cr frequent high protein high calorie snacks such as pudding ice cream and milk shakes encourage cr to do some light exercise or walking before meals serve a glass of wine before meals to stimulate the cr cr’s appetite encourage the cr to eat meals at the table with others try serving the cr meals over a prolonged period of time in a relaxed environment cover up unpleasant odors prepare the cr’s familiar favorite foods try new spices or flavorings for foods place meals on smaller plates with smaller servings serve smaller meals more frequently throughout the day rather than a smaller number of large meals suggest that the cr try to eat more slowly and avoid too many vegetables and carbonated drinks

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Personal, So-So Smelling, Poor Smelling, So-So Taste, Poor Taste

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from www netofcare org symptom management at home by staff writer no date

Keywords: Appetite weight loss not hungry losing weight

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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