Care recipient (cr) has a compulsive eating disorder and needs help overcoming his her problem

Try: Encourage cr to recognize that he she has a problem if cr avoids being in denial then he she can address the problem help cr eat only when he she is hungry for example encourage cr to learn to start listening tohis her body’s hunger signals once again help cr avoid eating out of routine boredom or any other reason than because he she is hungry suggest that cr ask him herself these questions do you feel a rumbling in your tummy are you hungry when you wake up this may help cr learn to distinguish a real physical hunger suggest that cr control his her food portions remind cr to listen to his her body as he she eats suggest that cr try to savor the food he she is eating and enjoy the food advise cr to wait at least twenty minutes before he she goes back for seconds or thirds it takes that long for a person’s body to register that it is full suggest that cr eat smaller portions cr might try using smaller plates to make it seem like his her food is overflowing from the plate this will give cr the visual signal that he she still has a lot of food emcourage cr to avoid using food to fill up emptiness in his her life binge eaters often use food as a substitute for friends a relationship or to stuff down their authentic feelings sometimes it’s easier for cr to eat away his her pain rather than face it encourage cr to get to the bottom of the emotional issue that is causing him her to feel angry sad hurt depressed or empty and unfulfilled suggest that cr find other activities other than eating encourage cr to develop other interests so cr doesn’t always think about food join an exercise group take up painting volunteer time organize a youth church group cr needs to find other things that will give him her a feeling of satisfaction and acceptance other than from food

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Personal, Social

Information: n/a

References: how to stop binge eating by veronica hawkins no date available at www howtodothings com

Keywords: Binge eating eats too much hunger food eating disorder compulsive eating

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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