Try: #on each hanger the caregiver puts one pre-planned outfit depending on how much trouble the cr is having the caregiver can simply put a matching top and bottom on a hanger or an entire outfit complete with attached underwear and socks anything that doesn’t fit easily with an outfit on a hanger can be attached to the hanger with a clothespin #the caregiver can prepare a week’s worth of outfits in advance the number of outfits prepared can be adjusted depending on the flexibility of the cr’s wardrobe and the caregiver’s schedule #when the caregiver has prepared several outfits in advance they should be moved toward the front or center of the closet while the rest of the cr’s clothes are moved to less visible positions in the back or sides of the closet #while the caregiver is going through clothes to prepare coordinated outfits he or she can remove all clothing that fits poorly or is inn poor condition preferably move it out of the house altogether at the same time remove or store clothes that are not right for the season these can be stored anywhere in the house that will be safe and out of the cr’s sight
Materials: Sturdy hangers clothespins
Categories: Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed