Problems choking while eating or drinking may require changes in meal preparation and or manner of eating and drinking

Try: #when swallowing properly is a problem care must be taken to keep food from entering the airway #the cause of choking should be discussed with a doctor who may order special tests #ask a doctor or speech therapist for eating and feeding tips such as tilting the head forward 45 degrees during swallowing which may be appropriate in some cases also discuss whether pureed food and thickeners for drinks are recommended #if swallowing pills is difficult ask the doctor for liquid versions of drugs or smaller pills also check with the doctor to see if large pills can be ground up crushing pills will not work with some pills particularly those designed to work on a time-release basis #puree food lessens the risk of choking while eating there should be no large or thick pieces left in food that has been pureed puree food by putting it in a blender and selecting the puree setting to process it #thickeners are powdered supplements that are added to drinks to lessen the risk of choking while drinking they are available in most pharmacies #being tired increases the chance of choking so the cr should be rested before meals #in some cases it may be a good idea for a caregiver to be present while a Care recipient (cr) eats and drinks to monitor the cr cr’s safety and remind the cr to eat slowly or follow specific recommendations made by the doctor or speech therapist #during and after meals remind the cr to feel for food caught between the cheek and the gum if the cr cannot understand or follow directions the caregiver may need to put on a disposable glove and check for food left inside the mouth uneaten food in the mouth can cause oral or dental problems

Materials: Consultation with physician caregiver education thickener for liquids blender pureed foods rest before eating plenty of time to eat disposable glove non-latex if the cr or caregiver is allergic

Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware, Unaware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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