Try: Balls can be purchased at any toy or variety store use any laundry basket from around the home ball toss stand or sit and throw the ball back and forth or roll it increase the distance as the cr becomes more adept alternatives if the cr cannot throw are punching the ball or using a balloon and trying to keep it afloat basketball use the soft squishy ball put laundry basket on floor start with it close maybe 3 feet depending on the cr cr’s throwing ability take turns making a basket with the squishy ball in and out counts move the basket back further as you play for added challenge and exercise
Materials: Larger 16 punch ball or large balloon soft squishy ball such as a koosh or nerf ball or similar laundry basket
Categories: Medical Physical, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed