Ongoing pain can affect mood concentration and enjoyment of life

Try: If the exact location of pain is hard to find touch or make gentle movements around the area to pinpoint it take prescription pain medicine only as directed even over-the-counter medication should be taken only after checking its interaction with medical conditions and other medications alternate hot and cold packs for joint or muscle pain purchase packs at drug stores use them as directed and check the pain site for reactions such as redness whiteness or further swelling don’t keep hot or cold packs on longer than recommended push chronic pain to the side by playing a game watching a show taking a walk or having an interesting conversation look for enjoyable distractions

Materials: Caregiver pain medication hot and cold packs

Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, No Supervision, Good Touch, So-So Touch, Fully Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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