Try: Issues with sleeping are sometimes common with care recipients cr with dementia the following are possible causes of sleeping problems physiological or medical causes illnesses such as angina congestive heart failure diabetes ulcers alcoholism pain caused by illnesses such as arthritis urinary tract infections which cause constant pressure to urinate "restless legs" twitching or leg cramps often caused by metabolic problems depression side effect of medications such as diuretics sleep apnea breathing difficulties need for less sleep with increased age disrupted sleep patterns due to progressive dementia the ability to sleep appears to deteriorate as cognitive abilities decline environmental causes too hot or too cold poor lightng may cause the cr to feel disoriented cr struggles to find the bathroom change in environment for example hospitalization often results in changes in sleep patterns other causes too much time spent in bed at night too much daytime napping too fatigued to calm down and sleep not enough exercise too much caffeine or alcohol hunger agitated from upsetting situation such as bath or an argument with caregiver disturbing dreams information references mace nancy & rabins peter 1999 the 36-hour day baltimore the john’s hopkins university press robinson anne spencer beth & white laurie 1992 understanding difficult behaviors ypsilanti mi eastern michigan university
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Dementia
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed