Try: Finding the right nursing home is not easy and you may be under pressure to move fast due to a recent hospitalization or deterioration in condition here are some tips on narrowing down your options start with referrals does the care recipient’s physician or specialist have any recommendations or do you know any friends or families who have used different homes knowing someone with first-hand experience with a home can help you narrow your choices however remember the care recipient’sr needs may differ one size does not fit all educate yourself online resources for nursing homes include ranking sites that use existing state data to rate nursing homes every state has what is called a long term care ombudsman which can be a valuable resource about the current condition of a nursing home advocacy groups can also provide hints on searching for the right facility consider the care recipient’s medical needs different nursing homes may have more expertise in different areas are they experienced in handling the care recipient’s condition such as alzheimer’s or a stroke or does the care recipient need short term rehabilitation factor in distance the more convenient the home the easier it is for family and friends to visit resources for finding a nursing home medicare gov has a earchable database that helps you compare and rate medicare- and medicaid-certified nursing homes in the u s including staffing health inspections and quality measures us news and world report provides a searchable database of nursing homes organizing data provided by medicare national citizens coalition for nursing home reform has information about citizen advocacy groups in your area as well as contact information for all state ombudsmen national citizens coalition for nursing home reform information references independent living for seniors understanding your choices in retirement communities and homes by joanna saisan and doug russell 2010 available at
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Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Nursing homes housing alternative care options alternative housing options
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed