Try: #have a physician assess the cr’s need for evaluation and treatment by an occupational therapist #if necessary an occupational therapist ot may recommend the purchase of hand cones or splints to be used on the cr’s hands during part of the day #the ot may also recommend exercises for the hands encourage the cr to follow through with all of them by being present while they are done and giving verbal praise and support #if hand contractures are just beginning to develop fold a washcloth in half and make a roll out of it starting with a short edge place the roll in the cr’s hands with the cr’s fingers on top and thumbs around the bottom #when using hand cones splints or washcloths look for redness of the skin as this is a warning sign that the devices are causing undue irritation make sure the cr’s fingernails are trimmed so they will not puncture or tear his or her skin as the fingers fold over #provide the cr with adaptive eating utensils flatware with thicker handles will be easier to grasp two handled cups may be easier to hold non-skid placemats will keep plates and cups from sliding out of reaching adaptive eating utensils may be bought through independent living product catalogs and online sites #provide a soft foam ball for the cr to squeeze periodically throughout the day as an exercise to prevent and treat the onset of hand contractures
Materials: Hand cone hand splint foam ball wash cloth non-skid placemats adaptive eating utensils
Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed