Try: Suggest that cr try eating a diet rich in antioxidants the more antioxidants in the brain and body the better its chances of fighting of cell damage powerful antioxidants are vitamins a c e are found in citrus fruits and purple colored fruits such as blueberries cranberries and grapes not only will it help cr’s brain but antioxidants have been proven to help reverse cell damage due to aging so it will be good for cr’s skin as well suggest that cr load up on b-complex b-complex vitamins help make red blood cells that are responsible for carrying oxygen to the brain excellent sources include spinach broccoli strawberries legumes and other soybeans suggest that cr eat fish for omega-3 fatty acids omega-3 fatty acid is a good type of fat it is found in cold water fish especially salmon it is also found in nuts such as walnuts as well as flaxseed avocados also contain high levels of good fats suggest that cr stop eating so much highly refined processed foods white sugar white flour salt and fat is not only detrimental to cr’s weight it can also cause loss of vitality of cr’s brain function encourage cr to eat foods in its most natural form so he she gets the optimum levels of vitamins and minerals such as potassium magnesium iron and calcium suggest that cr take the proper supplements gingko biloba is a herbal supplement that can improve memory it can be taken in capsule form to improve short-term memory function cr will also feel more alert encourage cr to stay properly hydrated part of a good diet is ensuring that cr drink around six to eight glasses of water a day when cr is dehydrated the way the body eliminates toxins and carries oxygen throughout the body is impaired this will make cr feel lethargic confused and his her other cognitive brain function is affected encourage cr to avoid alcohol nothing impairs brain function more quickly than consuming alcohol make sure cr gets adequate sleep lack of sleep has been shown to significantly affect brain function encourage cr to get proper exercise and exercise his her brain with the proper stimulus try playing cards or an activity that challenges the brain like putting together a complex jigsaw puzzle or putting together a model car or airplane you can also do an internet search for other activities by typing brain games in the internet search box
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: how to improve memory loss with diet by olivia cooper no date available at www howtodothings com
Keywords: Memory brain function diet brain games vitamins supplements cognitive memory loss improving memory
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed