Care recipient (cr) doesn’t eat right and needs to eat a better diet

Try: Encourage cr to eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods from each food group encourage cr to maintain a healthy weight with a good balance of exercise and food try to limit cr from eating foods with high saturated fat and cholesterol try to help cr cut down on sugars try to limit cr from eating foods with high sodium and use less salt try to help cr stay hydrated by drinking water throughout each day

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Unaware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory

Information: To the communication for example you are able to see a person person’s anger frustration excitement or lack of comprehension by watching the expression on his or her face try to be attentive show that you are listening and trying to understand what cr is saying use a gentle and relaxed tone of voice as well as friendly facial expressions when talking try to keep your hands away from your face also avoid mumbling or talking with food in your mouth if you smoke don’t talk with a cigarette between your lips try to speak naturally speak distinctly but don’t shout speak at a normal rate — not too fast or too slow use pauses to give cr time to process what you’re saying use short simple and familiar words try to keep it simple give one-step directions ask only one question at a time identify people and things by name avoiding pronouns try to be positive instead of saying don’t do that say let let’s try this if cr doesn’t understand what you said try rephrase rather than repeat what you just said if cr didn’t understand the words the first time it is unlikely he she will understand them a second time try to understand the words and gestures cr is using to communicate adapt to his her way of communicating; don’t force cr to try to understand your way of communicating try to reduce background noise such as from the tv or radio when speaking in addition to making it harder to hear the tv or radio can compete with you for cr cr’s attention try to encourage cr to continue to express his her thoughts even if he she is having difficulty be careful not to interrupt avoid criticizing correcting and arguing try to keep in mind the importance of non-verbal communication the presence touch gestures and attention of you can help to communicate acceptance reassurance and love to cr in all cases treat cr with dignity and respect don’t speak down to him her or speak to others as if he she is a child or isn’t present

References: Adapted from www webmd com alzheimer alzheimer’s disease nutrition by brunilda nazario 2011

Keywords: Nutrition diet physical well-being fiber intake

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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