Arthritis makes it hard to fasten buttons

Try: #snip buttons off and sew them to the outside of shirts blouses or skirts right above the places they used to sit take two same-size pieces of velcro and sew one piece of the velcro to the underside of where the button is and the other piece where the button used to be #line the velcro up so the pieces meet for a proper fit then press pieces together this will give the illusion that the garment is buttoned even though it closes with velcro #replacing buttons with velcro tabs can make a wardrobe accessible dignity and self-esteem may be helped when it is possible to dress independently and to continue wearing clothes that reflect personal style

Materials: Velcro needle and thread sewing machine if available

Categories: Medical Physical, Personal

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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