The elderly are particularly vulnerable to money problems and fraud due to impairment of cognitive abilities and other factors caregivers cgs for elderly care recipients…

Try: The elderly are particularly vulnerable to money problems and fraud due to impairment of cognitive abilities and other factors caregivers cgs for elderly care recipients crs should watch out for the following signs of money problems and fraud if problems are suspected do further investigation and initiate corrective action if your suspicions are confirmed cr seems afraid or worried when he or she talks about money sums of money are missing from the cr cr’s bank account signatures on checks or other papers don’t look like the cr cr’s signature bills are not being paid and cr doesn’t know why the cr cr’s will has been changed without his or her permission the cr cr’s home is sold and the cr did not agree to sell it things that belong to cr or care giver cg such as clothes or jewelry are missing from the home cr has signed legal papers such as a will a power of attorney or a joint deed to a house without knowing what the papers mean information references adapted from the national institute on aging internet website www nia nih gov "caring for a person with alzheimer’s disease your easy-to-use guide 2011

Materials: n/a

Categories: Financial, Legal

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Crime fraud theft taken advantage of forgery bank account money money problems steals money stealing money stealing account numbers money safety

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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