Try: Here are some helpful facts about the veterans aid and attendance benefit the aid and attendance pension provides benefits for veterans and surviving spouses who require the regular attendance of another person to assist in the activities of daily living such as eating bathing dressing and undressing and toileting it also includes individuals who are blind residents in a nursing home or veterans who require assisted care in an assisted living facility to qualify for this benefit a physician needs to established that the veteran and or spouse requires daily assistance by others to dress undress bathe cook eat take on or off a prosthetic or leave home the veteran does not need to have assistance with all of these there only needs to be adequate medical evidence that the veteran cannot function completely on his or her own the pension can provide up to 1 632 per month to a veteran 1 055 per month to a surviving spouse or 1 949 per month to two veterans who are married to each other filing the proper veterans application for pension or compensation must prove eligibility form 21-534 surviving spouse form 21-526 veteran this application will require a copy of the dd-214 form or separation papers medical evaluation from a physician current medical issues net worth limitations and net income along with out-of-pocket medical expenses a copy of the dd-214 form can be requested by visiting www vetrec archives gov any war-time veteran with 90 days of active duty 1 day beginning or ending during a period of war is eligible to apply for the aid and attendance benefit a surviving spouse marriage must have ended due to death of veteran of a war-time veteran may also apply the individual applying must qualify both medically and financially to qualify financially an applicant must have on the average less than 80 000 in assets excluding the home and vehicles information references adapted in part from the internet website www veteranaid org
Materials: n/a
Categories: Financial, Medical Physical, Personal, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Financial assistance government benefits
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed