Try: Home adaptation involves adapting a home so that a Care recipient (cr) can remain in the home the following are general home modification options for lighting or visibility issues install light switches at the top and bottom of stairs use high-watt light bulbs in stairways and other hazardous areas install additional lighting if necessary install a voice or sound activated adapter to turn on lights and appliances place a night light in the path between the bedroom and bathroom install motion-sensitive exterior lighting the following are general home modification options for safety and mobility remove loose rugs secure telephone and electrical cords install non-slip flooring especially in kitchens and bathrooms rearrange furniture to move it out of paths and walkways place barriers at dangerous locations install handrails and grab bars particularly in stairways and bathrooms clamp adjustable safety rail onto edge of bathtub install a bed rail and or handrails install a commode portable toilet in the bedroom replace round doorknobs with lever handles install lever-handle faucets in kitchens and bathrooms install a raised toilet seat information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Financial, Maintenance
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Home house modifications additions
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed