Older care recipients cr have a wide array of housing options depending on the type of housing the cost can be expensive there are a…

Try: Older care recipients cr have a wide array of housing options depending on the type of housing the cost can be expensive there are a range of choices for cr housing and there is no easy option here are some of the issues in evaluating your options level of care for the cr the cr needs to evaluate his current level of care that being said no one can predict their future health the cr should determine the housing best for his current needs and also consider future needs location and accessibility even if you are completely independent at this time circumstances can change it pays to think a little about your current location and accessibility of your current home maintenance issues and difficulty with changing locations must be considered social support for the cr care is best for the cr when he has social support how easy is it for the cr to visit friends neighbors or engage in hobbies that you enjoy it is best to avoid isolation for the cr caregiving support the cr must consider if the housing will meet his near term and long term needs traditionally family has provided the backbone of caregiving support for crs more recenlty family may not be as readily available due to distance work children or other commitments even if family members can commit to caregiving they might not be able to fill in all the gaps if physical and medical needs become progressively worse cost of the housing cr housing is expensive making a budget with anticipated expenses can help the cr evaluate the options alternate arrangements like assisted living can seem too expensive but extensive in-home help or 24 hour coverage can be even more costly consider a professional assessment depending on the crs current level of care he may already have had an assessment through a medical team if not the cr may want a referral from his doctor the cr may also want to consider an assessment by a geriatric care manager geriatric care managers can provide an initial assessment as well as assistance with managing the crs health needs information references

Materials: n/a

Categories: Financial, Personal, Mobility, Independence

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Housing living arrangement

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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