Try: #encourage better grooming while supporting the cr to feel better about herself notice and compliment her strengths and abilities #show that you appreciate the cr just for who she is by letting her know you enjoy spending time with her in addition to saying so look for non-verbal ways to let her know that are within your means- decorating a meal with a flower leaving a handmade card where she’ll find it remembering the things she likes #support the cr in trying to add one improvement to personal grooming at a time rather than tackling everything at once instead of presenting the idea as one aimed at improving grooming suggest that the cr deserves or might want to allow herself to have a new outfit manicure or hairstyle if her self-esteem doesn’t yet allow her to think she deserves nice things say that you are getting a new outfit manicure or hairstyle yourself and would like her to come along and do it with you because it will be more fun for you than going alone
Materials: Thoughtful caregiver
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Personal, Female, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed