Female Care recipient (cr) is depressed rarely smiles and walks with her head down she talks about her children as though they are still small

Try: Try to get cr to engage in conversation and activities that will invoke fond memories of her children use the children children’s real names when talking to cr ask cr to match up the socks and put back in basket ask cr to fold diapers and put back in basket ask cr to smooth out the bibs and put back in basket other potential discussion topics that may help with depression ask cr about her memories of wash day and how she would hang the clothes outside on a clothes line ask cr about memories of ironing clothes and how she starched pillow cases and her husband husband’s shirts

Materials: The following items can be obtained at local garage sales they do not need to be new wooden clothes basket baby and small size socks cloth diapers bibs

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Social, Female

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Depression the blues lethargic reminiscing memories

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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