Try: #buy a new mailbox at a hardware story #mount the new mailbox in a location closer to the cr cr’s door after checking with the post office regarding guidelines #make sure the mailbox is labeled properly with identifying
Materials: New mailbox to mount outside front door
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Personal
Information: Contact the post office for instructions on how to label the mailbox and how or where to mount it so it complies with federal guidelines #alternatives to installing a new mailbox include asking postal workers to leave mail inside the front door or on the porch or on a small table or chair just inside the door or installing a mail slot with an internal box to catch mail postal workers may be able to make further recommendations to make sure the cr can safely get his or her mail #you may need to speak to a supervisor to get delivery changes authorized contact the closest branch office and ask for help #once a new mailbox is installed if possible remove the old one if possible to avoid confusing postal workers information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed