Try: #involve the cr in planning a small dinner party to which just a very few friends will be invited #spend some time with the cr picking one to three guests deciding on a date and time for the dinner and coming up with different ideas based on the cr cr’s available space money and level of energy or ability #encourage the cr to think about what he or she would really love to do and then to talk through what he or she could realistically do if it it’s impossible to carry out the favorite plan consider whether one detail of it could be woven into the more realistic plan #if nothing else is possible plan a potluck plan on making one big pot of something and let the cr cr’s friends know what it will be so they can plan their dishes around it #while planning consider in advance how heating serving and cleaning up the food will be done the cr might need help getting organized before the pary or perhaps could use a helper during the pary #ask invited guests to rsvp by a date that is several days before the party #buy a disposable camera so pictures can be taken inside or outside at the time of the party in addition to adding an element of fun once the pictures are developed the cr will have another reason to contact his or her guests
Materials: One to three friends who can easily visit pad of paper and pen budget disposable camera
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed