Try: Enjoyable activities can be beneficial to the cr cr’s overall health and well being a key aspect of healthy aging is the continuing ability to find meaning and joy in life as crs age activities that were previously enjoyed may no longer be available due to life changes for example the cr may retire from a career or children may move far away everyone has different ways of experiencing meaning and joy and the activities the cr enjoys may change over time here are some suggestions for activities that the cr may enjoy pick up a long-neglected hobby play with grandchildren or a favorite pet learn something new such as a musical instrument foreign language or new game get involved in the local community do volunteer work join a service organization and attend local events take a class at a local community college just for the fun of it go on a weekend trip to a place that has never been visited spend time in nature for example take a walk go fishing or enjoy a scenic view enjoy the arts for example visit a museum go to a concert or a play
Materials: n/a
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from the internet website www helpguide org
Keywords: Hobbies enjoyment things to do
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed