Try: Sorrow and grief are normal and natural responses to death encourage the cr to implement the following suggestions to help with the grieving process don’t let others tell you how to feel your grief is your own and no one else can tell you how to feel let your feelings go without feeling embarrassed or like you are being judged reach out to others who have lost pets check out online message boards pet loss hotlines and pet loss support groups create a legacy to celebrate the life of you animal companion for example prepare a memorial plant a tree in memory of your pet compile a photo album or scrapbook of your pet find other ways to share the memories you enjoyed with your pet with others take care of yourself the stress of losing a pet can quickly deplete your energy and emotional reserves eat a healthy diet get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly to release endorphins and help boost your mood if you have other pets try to maintain your normal routine surviving pets can also experience loss when a pet dies or they may become distressed by your sorrow focus on your other pets even while you grieve
Materials: n/a
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Social
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from the internet website www helpguide org
Keywords: Grief pet loss
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed