caregiver (cg) has trouble dealing with the care recipient recipient’s cr cr’s grumpy attitude

Try: Separating your emotions from the emotions of the cr just the fallout from the grumpy attitude of the cr will affect your attitude and your day make a conscious choice to have a good in spite of the mood of the cr don’t let the mood of the cr drag you down the mood of the cr could be due to several things – pain boredom depression or loneliness listen and validate the feelings of the cr sometimes all the cr may need is just a sounding board but still be the figure of authority if a request by the cr is not feasible or rational let the cr know that you will do all within your power to make their day go smoothly remember that some medications alter moods and emotions the grumpiness of the cr could just be a result of a change in medication be the safe person that the cr could need reassure the cr that you will be there to provide the comfort of care and the security and safety to settle their anxiety or confusion try to see the positive and humorous side to all challenging situations put things in a positive light and don’t dwell on the negative emotions it is even ok to act childish and silly at times anything that brings a smile to the face of the cr will be worth the action try to ignore the just the attitude of the cr and not the individual within take frequent breaks – even if it is just to have a quick cup of tea or coffee and a few deep breaths distance provides objectiveness set your mood at the beginning of each day – this is easier than trying to readjust it later

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Categories: Emotional Psychological

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References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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