Try: Purchase a picture to hang on the wall of cr’s living quarters a picture of scenery from a calendar would work very well scenery would work better than pictures of other objects such as people or animals when cr is having a flash-back ask him or her to imagine that he or she is actually in the picture remind cr that nothing bad can happen in the picture he or she is perfectly safe there ask cr to describe what it is like in the picture for example warm cool can you feel a breeze can you smell the flowers ask cr what he or she is doing in the picture ask cr if anyone is there in the picture with him or her reassure cr again that no one can hurt him or her there after cr has done this with assistance several times he or she may be able to do it on own with a simple verbal prompt such as go to your picture or go to your safe place
Materials: Picture to hang on the wall of cr’s living quarters
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Hallucinations imagination bad dreams
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed