Care recipient (cr) is lonely a former pet owner cr no longer has pet or ability to care for one at home

Try: #invite neighbors with well-behaved pets to visit regularly or arrange visits to the neighbors’ houses #consider volunteering at a local animal shelter they often need volunteers to do everything from walking dogs to petting cats from washing blankets to working on fundraisers #ask local agencies about therapy dogs or horses and see whether a visit with a therapy animal is possible if you can’t find therapy animals easily ask a reference librarian to help you search for them online #consider whether a low-maintenance animal such as a goldfish or tiny turtle is within the ability of the cr to care for a goldfish bowl or turtle home can be kept on a countertop with supplies close at hand visit a pet store to find out about the care involved and the cost of animal equipment food and care #try plants indoor plants including herbs or outdoor pots full of flowers ad regular or miniature vegetables can be satisfying to care for and take up little room small gardening projects may be fun to plan and carry out with a friend or relative

Materials: Neighbors with friendly animals therapy dog or horse reference librarian if necessary tiny countertop pet if possible pet store plants gardening supplies

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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