Care recipient (cr) has trouble maintaining a healthy weight

Try: Suggest that cr try to eat smaller meals or snacks more frequently eating 5-6 times a day may be easier than eating the same amount of food in three meals suggest that cr take a daily multivitamin mineral supplement suggest that cr eat the more nutritious higher-calorie foods in the meal first try preparing meals that are easy to make and eat try to make meals enjoyable eating with others may encourage cr to eat better encourage cr to maintain good oral care encourage cr to brush and floss his her teeth and clean dentures regularly if cr has a problem using particular utensils or dishes choose a different utensil or dish that is easier to handle for example it may be easier for cr to eat with a spoon and bowl than a fork and plate have finger foods available to eat or ask a friend or family member to help prepare foods that are easier to handle encourage cr to stay physically active to stimulate his her appetite

Materials: Daily multivitamin mineral supplement

Categories: Sage, Topic, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance

Information: Encourage cr to eat plenty of fruits vegetables and whole grains these are great sources of fiber which can help curb constipation suggest that cr drink enough water or other fluids throughout each day encourage cr to stay physically active

References: Adapted from www webmd com alzheimer alzheimer’s disease nutrition by brunilda nazario 2011

Keywords: Weight nutrition appetite diet

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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