Care recipient (cr) complains of being bored when left alone relatives feel they visit as much as they are able

Try: #ask the cr if he of she could do some small tasks services or volunteer projects for family members or service organizations from home for example stuffing envelopes making phone calls baking making small repairs #visit craft hobby or hardware stores with the cr to locate activities the cr finds interesting and can do alone safely encourage the cr to try arts skills games etc that match his or her ability to learn or find enjoyment #stock up on books and other media from the library #encourage the cr to reach out for more social contact if he or she wants it look into neighborhood association activities and area programs for seniors including adult daycare centers where the cr could participate as a member or as a volunteer consider the possibility of classes through community colleges park districts special interest groups worship centers and private tutors

Materials: Knowledge of cr’s interest skills and abilities craft hobby or hardware store consultations with senior service agencies

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, No Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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