Try: #although some crs are more outgoing than others social contact is a basic human need for everyone #gentle invitation and encouragement are more effective than nagging at getting people involved in social activities #sharing interests or meaningful activities can lead to fun and friendship these may lead to a fuller more satisfying life #keep in mind the difference between isolation or withdrawal and the need for solitude or quiet time which can contribute to a healthy lifestyle time alone can be positive while loneliness can be painful #isolation may be caused by a change in income health continence or driving ability if the cr shares
Materials: Caregiver people with mutual interests comfortable environment inclusion invitation
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Social, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision
Information: About a change related to one of these things keep the info in mind when inviting the cr to an activity ask yourself in advance if accessible surroundings finance stamina bowel or bladder control or transportation may be issues and be ready to problem-solve with the cr so these issues can be addressed #if the cr can’t go out find ways to bring activity in #when helping family or friends plan visits to the cr think about whether it is best for visitors to come when the caregiver is present or away some cr’s enjoy having guests over between the caregiver’s shifts while others prefer the caregiver be present to assist them in hosting company information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed