Try: #find out what physical activities the cr enjoyed anytime before needing physical therapy golf tennis baseball or softball if so ask the therapist if movements or equipment related to those activities can be incorporated into the physical therapy #discuss the cr’s lack of enthusiasm for therapy with the physical therapist particularly if you believe that it’s due to the cr being discouraged or depressed #if the cr’s attitude or behavior create the risk of long-term negative consequences to health or level of disability talk to the cr and the cr’s doctor about geriatric psychiatry or medication that may help if available the risks of doing poorly in physical therapy should be explained to the cr in terms that he or she is able to understand for example you may want to explain that a person will not be able to return home from a rehabilitation unit unless a certain level of strength has been regained it is important the cr shouldn’t be punished or threatened with the withdrawal of housing or any other basic necessity because he or she doesn’t participate fully or do well #reward the cr when he or she is ready for does well or is positive toward physical therapy positive reinforcement might include words of praise the promise of an enjoyable activity afterward or a note card later that lets the cr know you noticed his or her hard work
Materials: Physical therapist items of interest putter tennis racquet etc
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed