Try: Don’t argue or try to convince cr that the move is for the cr’s safety or well-being because this will set off the cr’s defense mechanism and they will dig in their heels because this suggestion may seem like the cg thinks of them as a child and is trying to take away their independence instead put the emphasis on the worry that the cg has for the cr’s safety and well-being and the fact that it would really help the cg out if the cr would move to a safer place – not for the cr’s sake but for the peace of mind it would bring to the cg this will bring out the parent in the cr and putting a child’s worry at ease will usually be utmost in their mind another solution is to present a parallel situation to the cr using another parent child situation and ask the cr’s advice the cr will usually see this situation as unlike their own and give correct and objective advice because this situation relates to someone else and they are therefore distanced from it another option is to check into the senior living situations in the cr’s area and see if they have month-to-month options then use the winter as a focal point and ask the cr to just move into a senior complex for the winter months because of the danger of shoveling or walking on snow or ice and again stress the worry of the cg once a cr moves and sees the social activities available and the elimination of homeowner responsibilities they will usually stay
Materials: n/a
Categories: Emotional Psychological, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed