Try: Set up a computer and internet connection in cr’s place of residence or if cr is living with you teach him her how to boot the computer and how to connect to the internet he she has to learn this so that he she can do this even if you are not with him her teach cr how to create an account with any of the free email services available on the web show cr how to open a browser once he she is connected to the internet and how to open his her email account cr should have a user name and password that are easy to remember you may have to write these down so that he she does not forget show and explain to cr the different parts of an email account explain what an inbox sent mail and trash mean cr should also learn how to add new contacts to his her address book this will be essential as the auto address-filling feature of the email service will be of great use to cr show cr how to start a new email by clicking on the right icon or button he she has to know where to put the email address of his her contact how to add other contacts and how to use the cc function next is for cr to learn how to add a subject line to his her new email and what characters to avoid so that his her email will not be labeled as spam tell cr not to write the subject line using all capital letters and avoid using punctuation marks like periods commas apostrophes dashes exclamation points and dollar signs after cr has learned all that the next thing for him her to do is to compose an email tell him her that it is like typing a letter and it can be short or long depending on what he she wants to tell the recipients show cr that typing on the keyboard is like typing on a regular typewriter with enter as the return key after cr has composed a short message show him her how to click the send button to send the email if cr wants to attach pictures he she should know how and where to locate the pictures and how to attach them to his her email make him her practice doing these things by sending you the email for demonstration or cr can send it to him herself so that he she will be able to learn how to open his her email and in some cases download the attachments the last thing cr needs to learn is how to reply to the email that he she receives if he she so desires and how to delete those emails that he she does not want to keep
Materials: Pen and paper
Categories: Sage, Topic, Communication, Personal, Social
Information: From the telephone book look under support groups or nicotine anonymous
References: how to teach a senior citizen to use email by katherine watson no date available at www howtodothings com
Keywords: Email computers internet
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed