Try: #buy supplies at an office supply store if you can’t find a clock that you think will suit the cr cr’s needs look at clocks sold through independent living product catalogs which may be available at medical supply stores many care centers or online #hang the dry erase board in a spot that the cr can see easily and often for example on the wall opposite from his or her place at the table where most meals are eaten #clearly print the following
Materials: Large dry erase board dry erase markers dry erase eraser large calendar large digital clock that displays am and pm as well as the time
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Independence, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory
Information: On the dry erase board ##the cr’s full name and address for example my name is joe smith and i live at 123 main street st louis missouri 12345 ##the cr’s current telephone number ##the day of the week ##today’s date is_____ be sure to write the month day and year ##the current season of the year and any significant holidays which are approaching #place a calendar near the dry erase board for additional reference #place the clock near the dry erase board to help reorient the cr to time #every morning update the information that changes #as soon as the cr is seated to eat in the morning discuss the information written on the dry erase board to reorient the cr to the new day when the cr seems confused about the date or the time you can prompt him or her to look at the board and the clock #disorientation from time date and season may cause anxiety for the cr if a caregiver reacts with anger and impatience to the cr cr’s confusion anxiety may increase at some stages of confusion the cr may be less aware of disorientation noting the holidays that are approaching may be important at that stage in helping to keep the cr generally aware of the season information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed