Care recipient (cr) with growing memory problems faces extended hospital visit or stay in nursing home for rehabilitation caregiver (cg) fears cr’s trouble recognizing family members and friends will worsen while the cr is away from normal routine

Try: #decorate the boxes with wallpaper fabric or contact paper if you want to skip this step buy an already-decorated box with a lid at a craft store #place small mementos in the box that may remind the cr of people and places related to home life and family for example photos cards handkerchief scented with cg’s cologne or perfume travel-sized versions of the cr’s favorite games a favorite book etc don’t include jewelry or anything irreplaceable consider making copies of favorite photos for the box particularly if the favorite photos are irreplaceable copies of photos can be made in the camera section of many drug stores and large general merchandise stores #put the box where the cr can reach it in his or her room at the rehabilitation unit or hospital when you or others visit invite the cr to open the box and tell you about the items inside it if the cr is confused gently remind him or her about who is in the pictures ask what the cr thinks is happening in the pictures invite the cr to play a game with you the familiarity of the game or the pictures may help the cr access memories

Materials: Cardboard box that can be easily held in cr’s hands wallpaper fabric or contact paper to cover the box glue buttons paint brushes etc to decorate the box photos of cr cg friends and family members small games favorite book cards from friends and family members

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Social, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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