A Care recipient (cr) living alone in the early stages of dementia is forgetting simple things

Try: #connect the cr to a consistent caregiver who can check in on the cr on a daily or weekly basis as needed #if the caregiver is a family member or friend connect the caregiver and the cr to social services that the cr is eligible for these services may cover gaps in care the caregiver can’t provide in terms of food assistance home care services transportation to medical appointments utility assistance

Materials: Caregiver family member friend or social service professional label maker paper and pen clear tape little notepad and pen

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, Good L T Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory

Information: And referral etc #use a label maker to make large-print labels for drawers cupboards shelves etc whose contents may be confusing the cr #the caregiver should look for areas where it appears the cr is particularly forgetful and evaluate whether the cr is at risk because of forgetfulness for example forgetting to put laundry away in the right place may not be a problem but forgetting to turn off the stove is #the caregiver can assist the cr by writing simple reminder notes as needed for such things as how to use an appliance how to re-heat a pre-made meal how to call for a cab etc #the caregiver and the cr can create a list of important people and their phone numbers and put a copy of it next to each phone in the home #the cr can be encouraged to keep a notepad and pen at hand during phone calls or visits to take notes if something important is said also the notepad can be a place to write down questions or concerns the cr thinks of while alone that otherwise may be forgotten before the caregiver returns information

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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