Try: #always face the cr and speak clearly remind the cr who you are what day it is and the time of day do this naturally and frequently throughout the day as needed #place a clock with a large clear dial and a large plain calendar in a location where they can be easily seen #use a white board to clearly write the day of the week and date each morning place the white board where it can be easily seen by the cr #keep familiar objects around such as pictures favorite sweater favorite chair and remove unnecessary objects and clutter #make sure there is adequate lighting and there are no shadows or dark spots in rooms #use a night light when it gets dark in the evening
Materials: Clock with a large clear dial simple calendar without pictures white board and marker adequate lighting
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Independence, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, Poor S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed