Try: #a cr’s stories are important to the cr and the larger family and the loss of ability to tell them may bother the family as much or more than than the cr #the cr and caregiver can share conversation aimed at bringing out stories a voice-activated recorder or a regular recorder can capture their conversation and be transcribed later into a typed version or copied from tape to another format keep in mind that transcribing can be labor-intensive #the caregiver can write down the cr’s stories using a computer after listening to the cr or interviewing the cr specifically about certain events or people #a digital or other audiovisual recording device can be used to capture images of the cr telling his or her stories this also can be labor-intensive in that it may take quite a lot of time to capture succinct accounts of stories or people #written accounts of stories as the cr tells them may be helpful to the cr who may be interested in reviewing them over the course of dementia the cr may not recognize the stories as his or her own and family and friends will have adjust to that change
Materials: Typewriter or computer voice-activated recorder video audiovisual device caregiver
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Social, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Verbal Communication, Good Verbal Comm, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, Good L T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed