The care giver cg needs information on how to interview people who are applying for a cg position

Try: Make a list of tasks needed think about the type of person needed skills personality write a short job description that includes things like health care training reliable transportation ability to operate special equipment lift the cr experience with cr’s condition s invite the Care recipient (cr) to sit in on the interviews and ask questions ask a trusted friend or family member to sit in on the interviews to get other opinions on the best person to hire interview people over the phone first before meeting with them in person ask about experience with the cr’s medical or other conditions ask how long they have worked as a cg state tasks needing done and ask if they are willing and able to do these tasks state the hours and days of the week care services are needed and the wages they will be paid ask for 2 work

Materials: Pen and paper

Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support

Information: In their community events announcements develop a power point slide show about the group and ask the local cable channel to air it on the public access channel ask a local medical professional who knows a lot about cg issues to be the guest speaker at the first meeting to make the first meeting a big one information

References: And 1 personal reference check all references during in person interview watch how applicants interact with the cr do they seem warm and friendly ask cr for opinion on who he she thought would be the best fit ask friend family member for opinion on best person hire the person who is most qualified for the job information references a adapted from hiring in-home help by the family caregiver alliance

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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