The care giver cg needs information on how to start a local cg support group

Try: Establish a meeting place ask local library if there is a meeting room available ask local college or university if they would be willing to host the group and provide a meeting place make a flyer about the group post flyers at doctor offices businesses near the group’s meeting place and medical equipment businesses post flyer in community events section of local newspaper ask local radio stations to include the group meeting

Materials: Computer with ms word and power point

Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support

Information: In their community events announcements develop a power point slide show about the group and ask the local cable channel to air it on the public access channel ask a local medical professional who knows a lot about cg issues to be the guest speaker at the first meeting to make the first meeting a big one information

References: Adapted from how to start a caregiver support group for the disabled by rhomylly forbes ehow com

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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