Try: #enhance an existing photo album or create a new one that highlights the people and memories most important to the cr buy decorative paper and double-sided tape in a craft store or general merchandise store’s craft department use the supplies to add notes to the album identifying people places years etc associated with various pictures use the scissors to cut the decorative paper into attractive shapes for the notes #keep the album in a central visible spot where the cr will meet with visitors #buy or make a guest book and keep a pen next to it keep them both near the photo album #if you are the person arranging visits for the cr let visitors know before they come that #there will be a guest book for them to sign and a photo album they can offer to look at with the cr explain that the guest book helps you and the cr reconstruct the cr’s day and that the cr enjoys looking at the album and accessing long term memories if a visitor doesn’t know about the cr’s loss of memory you may want to let him or her know about it in a matter of fact way polite people will take their cue from you in terms of how to respond #the photo album may provide a nice way for visitors to start up a conversation with the cr as the cr’s recall is triggered the conversation may widen for some visitors the album may also provide a window into understanding a little bit more about the cr’s life
Materials: Guest book pen photo album decorative paper double-sided scrapbook tape scissors
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Cognitive Intellectual, Social, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Poor S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed