Try: #find out if any local senior service agencies offer a phone service that allows seniors to get regular phone calls from volunteers phone check-ins may minimize a cr’s isolation and alert a care provider to trouble should the cr fail to answer the phone #if the cr is eligible for assistance at home but doesn’t want the help have a conversation about why fears about having a stranger in the home may be addressed by having a friend of the cr’s present when the worker comes to the home also some agencies may allow relatives to be paid care providers if the relatives otherwise qualify to be agency employees #get ideas from the people you talk to at the senior service agencies and from friends who have relatives in similar situations about how to talk with the cr about getting help at home if the cr has a friend with a home aide encourage the cr to talk to the friend about the pros and cons of the situation #be willing to have several conversations with the cr about the reasons he or she doesn’t want help your job is to listen and learn not to argue be patient and when you think you have a good understanding of why the cr doesn’t want help begin a respectful conversation about how to solve the safety problems you may be able to bring up the idea of helpers again this time with a better understanding of what local agencies may offer and what the cr’s concerns are
Materials: Patience phone service local senior service agencies peer support for the cr
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed